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Social work case management needs for refugees and survivors of torture are often extensive.  Our social work services address post-migration living difficulties and include strength-based assistance with employment, housing, transportation, child care, and access to community resources.  A bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach emphasizing the importance and integration of individual, family, community and spirituality is taken throughout social work service delivery. Co-morbid psychological, medical and legal difficulties often require coordinated direct service efforts.  It has become clear that using a multi-disciplinary team approach is beneficial and encourages increased communication between providers leading to improved efficiency.


Direct social work services include the assessment of client needs, connection to resources, and case management. Connecting Cultures social workers primarily assist clients with 1) Needs Assessments, 2) Housing Resources, 3) Transportation Resources, 4) Benefits and Financial Assistance, 5) Case Management, 6) Family Support, 7) Service and Resource Coordination, and 8) Employment Resources.  In addition, the Connecting Cultures Director of Social Work Services and social work interns help coordinate the psychological, social work, legal, and medical domains of Connecting Cultures through care conferencing to ensure a holistic perspective. 

Connecting Cultures / NESTT

Vermont Psychological Services

2 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, Vermont 05405-0134
Tel: (802) 656-2661

This program is supported in part by funding from United Way of Northwest Vermont and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), an office of the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families.

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This website’s contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by the United Way or ORR.

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